14 Aug 2018

Unity Rendering Path (CG)

Unity support many kinds of rendering paths. For now there are three types of rendering path in Unity: forward, deferred, and vertex lit (almost never use) rendering path.

An example of setting rendering path in Unity Shader

    Tags{ "LightMode" = "ForwardBase" }

The Below Table shows the Common Rendering Path Option for LightMode Tag in Unity Shader

Tag Name         Description
Always   This Pass will be rendered in any rendering path, but it will not calculate any lighting
ForwardBase   Used for forward rendering. The Pass will calculate the environmetal light, directional light, per-vertex /Spherical Harmonics(SH) light source, and Lightmaps
ForwardAdd   Used for forward rendering. The Pass will calculate additional per-pixel light source, every Pass corresponding one light source
Deferred   Used for deferred rendering. This Pass will render G-Buffer(includes color, normal, Buffer in world space)
ShadowCaster   Render the object’s depth info into the shaowmap or a depth map

1. Forward Rendering Path

For each forward rendering, we need to render the rendering primitive of the object and calculate the data of two buffers (color buffer and depth buffer). We use the depth buffer to determine if a fragment is visible and update the color value of the color buffer if it is visible.

Pseudo code:

    for(each primitive in this model)
        for(each fragment covered by this primitive)
            if(failed in depth test)
                float4 color = Shading(materialInfo, pos, normal, lightDir, viewDir);

                WriteFrameBuffer(fragment, color);

2. Deferred Rendering Path

Deferred Rendering mainly includes two Pass. The first Pass, we don’t do any lighting calculations, and only calculate which fragment in the screen is visible through depth buffer. After finding a fragment is visible, it will store the data into the G-Buffer. Then, in the second Pass, it will use the data of fragment in the G-Buffer to do the lighting calculation.

Pseudo code:

PassOne // Store fragment data into G-Buffer
    for(each primitive in this model)
        for(each fragment covered by this primitive)
            if(failed in depth test)
                WriteGBuffer(materialInfo, pos, normal, lightDir, viewDir);
PassTwo // Calcaulate Lighting by using the data in G-Buffer
    for(each pixel in the screen)
        if(the pixel is valid)
            readGBuffer(pixel, materialInfo, pos, normal, lightDir, viewDir);
            float4 color = Shading(materialInfo, pos, normal, lightDir, viewDir);
            WriteFrameBuffer(pixel, color);

2. Forward Rendering vs Deferred Rendering

Normally we will use Forward Rendering, but when the scene has too many light sources, the performance of Forward Rendering drops dramatically.

For example, if we place multiple light sources in an area in the Unity Scene, and these light source areas overlap and influence with each other. In order to get the final lighting effects, we need to perform multiple Pass for each object in the area to calculate the lighting result of different light source to this object, finally, blend these results in the color buffer to get the final lighting. Therefore, every time when we call a Pass we need to render the object again, but many calculations actually is repeat.

Deferred Rendering can solve this problem because it not only uses color buffer, and depth buffer, it also use an additional buffer called G-Buffer (Geometry- Buffer). G-Buffer stores the information of the surface we care (normally it means the surface which is the closest to camera), such as the surface’s Normal, Position, Material Properties used for illumination calculation, etc.

End –Cheng Gu
